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Product Reviews
I made the decision to purchase a wood stove insert online after a really wonderful experience of having one installed in a mountain home I have in NC. Sight unseen other than photos and a conversation with the manufacturers rep and woodlands sales rep the stove was delivered in timely, damage free condition. My disappointment came with the installation and first use. Not an inexpensive item the fresh air kit was additional on this stove where it was standard on my previous unit and for such a big stove it has a very small opening to receive wood. It is extremely hard to move and adjust your wood once a fire is burning. Be sure when you speak to a Woodland representative that they have used this stove and have been able to campare it with others and that you are not just getting a sales pitch. Hindsight is always 20/20 and while it appears very sleek and attractive compared with most wood burning inserts when another opportunity arises I will make sure I see it personally and read multiple reviews to get a feel for true performance.
Fireplace insert
The unit is very nicely styled, looks really well built, and installed very easily into my fireplace opening (with the additional backing plate). It is easy to use, and very efficient - overall a truly great product that adds value to my home. There are just a couple issues I encountered with the install. The back has bolts for adjusting to an uneven surface, but none on the front. Turns out my fireplace was slightly domed in the middle so I had to add shims under the front. Other issue was that the bolts holding the faceplates on are painted black, and the paint comes off very easily from contact with a wrench. Black steel bolts would eliminate this issue. Even so, I am very pleased with the stove and would recommend it and WoodlandDirect to others.
Backing plates for wood insert
The backing plates are a nice design and complement the wood insert. They installed fairly easily - the main problem was starting the self-tapping screws into the sheet steel. Phillips style screws really are not appropriate for handling the force needed to create the threads. I ended up using a square drive that fit into the center of the +. The other main issue was that the paint on the plates scrapes off at the slightest provocation, and I ended up with a few bare spots on the finished surface after installation. I touched up the spots with stove paint, and the touched up areas are much more robust. Please consider using a more durable paint.
my osburn matrix is working great, however i have one problem. the fan is making a loud noise. looked for loose screws found none., really like the clean look. no other problems. thanks
maytrax insert
my insert looks and works great, really like the flush look. one problem only the fan motor is making a very low noise. have to turn it off due to the loud noise.
Mark Matis
When I was making my purchase for my stove, your representative, Mark Matis, was so very helpful! He was patient and was very informative. He quickly answered my questions and send me information on the product in a timely fashion to help me make an informed purchase. He also was very responsive to my follow up requests regarding delivery of the product. I think you have a great representative on your staff and I appreciated how well he handled my account. thank you. I rated his service as a 5 -I intended to give him the highest rating.
Mark Matis
When I was making my purchase for my stove, your representative, Mark Matis, was so very helpful! He was patient and was very informative. He quickly answered my questions and send me information on the product in a timely fashion to help me make an informed purchase. He also was very responsive to my follow up requests regarding delivery of the product. I think you have a great representative on your staff and I appreciated how well he handled my account. thank you. I rated his service as a 5 -I intended to give him the highest rating.